Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Leigh's Blog Is Linked by Dell Computer Blog

Leigh has been managing a blog for a while called "The Green Workplace". She has regular contributors from her company and other places. It is the basis for her new book due out early next year.

Dell Computer has a blog that recently posted an article linking to Leigh's blog. You can visit the Dell blog at Dell Small Business . Look at the post for October 28, 2008, titled, "New OptiPlex desktop to help businesses save money and energy". At the end of the article is a link to Leigh's profile (her name) and a link to her blog. When you get to Leigh's blog, look for the post dated October 28, 2008, "Green Workplace Make-over Part I".

I believe that Dell will have a second post dated October 29, 2008, that will include another video by Leigh.

This demonstrates the power in information sharing through blogs.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Tree Ye Oh ( aka Three Years Old)

Hayes celebrated his third birthday last weekend.
Big brother has more experience at this.

Hayes will begin attending public school three-year-old classes (9:00 - 1:30) in a week or two.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Hunter-Gatherers Move From Apples to Pumpkins

Reid and Hayes took a ride with MH and Jim to Uncle Shuck's Corn Maze and Pumpkin Patch about an hour north of Atlanta. The maze has about four miles of trails but the boys decided about one mile was enough!

The picture below was taken at the edge of the maze. Reid was ready to plow some new trails!

Hayes was familiar with sand boxes but a corn box was something new!

Ah, just the perfect one.

Reid had the job of escorting the pumpkins to the car..

When we returned home, we had another surprise with the loss of Reid's tooth.